Fire the rockets to intercept! Defend your forts against a barrage of missiles in this intense defense game!
Different forts have different ability, improve them by collecting the source! (intercept the rockets to gain source)
just click where you want to shoot. Use the number keys (1-4) to activate your secondary buildings' special powers, or click directly on the icons. Press the [space bar] to pause the game and open the upgrade menu.
Tips For The Game:
2. Only invest in the shield/energy regenerating tower and the flak cannon tower. If you keep hitting the regeneration you can keep the flak cannons up indefinitely. After that invest in reload time, then main shields. Ignore the other upgrades.
3. First upgrade the flak. Then upgrade the energy tower. Then upgrade the flak once more. Then the energy tower once more. This should let you use the flak almost nonstop. Now concetrate on killing all dangerous rockets and save cash. As soon as you have 800, upgrade your reload rate. Now upgrade the flak tower, energy tower and EMP tower to max (the order does not matter since at this time you still should be handling the incoming rockets pretty easy). At the end, you should have flak running all the time. Use your EMP cannon only for emergencies - like when a rocket is about to hit your tower or such. Try to conserve energy in energy tower and use it only when realy needed - trust me, you will be glad you did when you will need to launch the EMP two or three consecutive times. With the cash that is pouring in, upgrade your fire rate once more and than buy the shield upgrades. If you wish, upgrade the time-slower, although I found it quite useless. Concentrate on taking out the fast rockets, the rockets that are about to hit your towers and the "spitter" bombs. Leave the rest to flak. When you can no longer defend all of them (around 40-50k score), concentrate on defending your energy tower and flak. Let the other buildings fall if needed rather than recharging them. The situation gets even harder and around 60k you will probably lose the rest of the buildings (when the flak stops, they are doomed...DOOOOMED). Now comes the tricky part - only shoot down rockets which are aiming on your tower, any parachute bombs directly above you and any green bombs ANYWHERE - they can spit fire on you even from the edge of screen! Keep doing it until you make mistake or until overwhelmed.
4. Do not upgrade any of your secondary buildings. They're just a waste. Concentrate on getting your missile reload upgrades. When you've got them, go for the shields. Then just shoot whatever comes near your main building. Leave the others to die. But at the start, try and get a streak for additional points. As the game goes by, look out for helicopters that drop bombs. Take those out, especially the green ones. If you have trouble, play the game in full screen and use the lag as a time slow thing. I would be dead very early if not for the lag. Consider it a free time slow upgrade. Thats a bout it really
(All tips gathered from Jayisgames)
See this game also on:
Arcadecabin (with embedded code)
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